Introduction to Adriana

Adriana’s intuition and Guided Spirit channelling is extremely accurate. She will always provide a message, something special and unknown, from Spirit, to confirm she is communicating with your personal family from the world of Spirit. Her messages are delivered in truth.

I felt blessed when I first experienced Adriana’s unique skills in both healing and teaching. I’d had a number of readings and healings for myself; as had my family, over the years but I have to say it was Adriana’s ‘Living mortally from the Spirit within’ workshop that truly opened my eyes and my Soul.

Since I have learnt to place my trust in ongoing messages from my ‘Soul Spirit’ within I have become more relaxed about my family as well as my future. Everything in my life now makes sense. I feel my life has a more defined purpose. I feel massive gratitude for Adriana because of her ongoing trust and faith in me.

My ‘Divine Timing’ stories began with my mortal or physical journey towards Spiritual awareness. With Adriana’s input and help I’ve written ‘Divine Timing’ Volumes I – II – III, with a volume IV waiting to be completed. I’m now excited to be able to present the first three volumes of ‘Divine Timing, to assist and enhance our joint messages of recognising enlightenment and to encourage self-healing. On reflection, I know and trust I am already Spirit with no need to search. I am my ‘Soul Spirit’.

All the information from my past; gleaned, discussed, and shared was actually forming an important part of my mortal self. It’s what has shaped me throughout my physical life, unbeknown to me also my Spiritual self…

Since I have learnt, from Adriana, to trust in the everyday messages from those same people up in the Ether everything in my life now makes sense. I am far from perfect, because quite simply like you, I am Spirit having a human physical experience.
I am truly grateful to Adriana for her insights and encouragement of my Spiritual future. Sharing my life’s ups and downs along with my outcomes and triumphs will hopefully benefit others who find themselves in a situation of struggle without faith. My message: Hold your ground and hold your faith. My story starts and ends with my mortal or physical journey towards Spiritual awareness.
Lauren Addison-Mullins