From the author: Lauren Addison-Mullins

‘Divine Timing’ – Volumes I – IV – Memoir & Self-help

Vol I – Stranger than fiction – The story of my mortal journey in finding Spirit
Vol II – Reflection – Actions of my mortal journey to find Spirit
Vol III – Illumination -The story of positive mentorship and Spirit healing
Vol IV – New Directions – My amazing Spiritual story to creative diversity

Divine Timing is a personal account of finding spirituality and peace after life changing events. It is written in consultation with my friend ‘Psychic Healer’ Adriana. Immerse yourself in Adriana’s practical solutions for living a calmer, peaceful, and meaningful life along with my personal account. The Volumes include teachings from Adrian’s ‘Living Mortally from the Spirit within’ work-shops. Also they outline her ‘Remote Healings’ … My personal story is real, honest, and very relatable.

Vol I – Stranger than fiction
Vol II – Reflection
Vol III – Illumination
Vol IV – New Directions

Divine Prelude

I am not an eccentric and I’m not a hippy. I’m not new age and you won’t hear me say Namaste. I am a little unconventional, however, with that said, basically I’m a down to earth ordinary soul with a story worthy of telling … perhaps I should have known. I first met Adriana in 1999 but really, how was I to know where our instant friendship would lead. Lead it did… Our friendship has developed over a 21 year period. We can thank my Great Uncle Jock for that… He first brought us together in Spirit in 1999 then he stayed silent for 21 years, before coming back from the Ether, right out of the blue, with a divine, life changing message…

Now let the stories unfold…

Book Series Review

“Divine Timing – Volumes I – IV”
When Lauren asked me to put her book ‘Divine Timing’ together, I wasn’t sure what to expect, because I am not a big consumer of self-help/spiritual books.

Was I in for a surprise?

Lauren draws on her own life experiences to give insight into our own existence. There are some practical tips for everyday life throughout the books but there is a lot more than that. These books make you dive deep into your own life with a no-nonsense approach. I find the message to trust in yourself and the universe very calming and grounding.

What gives these series of books a special meaning is the collaboration between Lauren and Adriana. It is apparent that Lauren not only admires Adriana’s work but she also has a very deep trust in the messages she receives. To me, it feels like we have lost the ability to trust in each other. Trust that people are willing to help without expecting anything in return. These two ladies show that it is still possible. Just to be and let others be. Be helpful and receive help.

Since reading these books, I have a much calmer way of looking at life in general.
These series of books are a genre on their own, no fluff; just down to earth language. No hype, just practical advice drawn from experience.

I feel privileged to have a small part in these books’ existence. I can’t wait to read more from Lauren because I believe that she has a lot more to share.

Vision to Design – Graphics and Book Designer – Monika

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