About Adriana’s Journey

Author Lauren Addison-Mullins and I arrived at a serendipitous juncture after 21 years of joint Spiritual encounters. At different times, yet individually we had both been made aware that we would write a book. Initially it made no sense to either of us. Little did we know it was to become a collaboration! Lauren had begun writing her family history novels, which were triggered by channelling her Spirit family. It led to her book ‘Divine Timing’. Lauren’s Spirit family came through to guide us both and eventually to facilitate. This was the catalyst for us to begin working together.

My previous experience was based on intuitive healing, psychic, and medium channelling, with an emphasis on teaching ‘Living mortally from the Spirit within’. My courses are ongoing and delivered through Spirit Guidance and channelling.

From the Ether, my Spirit Guide ‘Many Feathers’ and Lauren’s Spirit family brought us together to embark on a teaching journey of our individual and shared experiences through our books. We both knew ‘Volume I – ‘Divine Timing’ was just the beginning! Volumes II and III are completed and soon to be available on Amazon print on demand books. Volume IV is in the making.
Adriana Verhey